Vocalo Revolution (Rip from Keyhole) Very Low Quality
Credit for the rip goes to jibba. :3 BUT AAAGH LOW QUALITY ;A;;;;
『トランスポーター3 アンリミテッド』予告編
スタイリッシュな映像、クールなアクション&ユーモアによって世界中で大ヒットを飛ばす『トランスポーター』シリーズ待望の第3作。 天才運び屋=トランスポーターに愛車から20メートル離れられない罠が仕掛けられた!そして隣には同じ罠を仕掛けられた謎の美女の姿。この依頼に隠された世界規模の陰謀とは、一体!?シリーズ史上最大のスリルとアクション、ロマンスがフルスロットルで加速する、シリーズ最高傑作! 8月15日(土)、新宿バルト9ほか全国ロードショー
Ken hirai - Hitomi wo Tojite
He is an artist in my heart. My best music.!!!~(^0^)b *translation* every morning I awake to your skin, cast off, lying next to me that back, I once felt warmth from, cold. stop with the wry smile open the heavy curtains the blinding morning light, everyday I try to keep up with it you showed me that day, your face in tears the setting sun that shines on the tears the warmth on my shoulder everytime I wish you gone my heart and body remember you. Your love forever I close my eyes and imagine you, that's enough. even if the season leaves my heart behind. I wonder if one day I'll no longer feel anything for you I think I'd rather fall asleep with the pain I have now eventhough the light we searched for, wishing upon the starry sky we gazed at that night, disappears in a the blink of an eye, my heart and body shine on with you. I wish forever I close my eyes and imagine you. That's all I can do. even if the world were to leave me behind. Your love forever I close my eyes and imagine you, that's enough. even if the season leaves me behind, and tries to change it's color. I'll search for you in my memory. That's enough. Because you gave me the strength to get over my loss. you gave it to me. Translated By: Brian Stewart & Takako Sakuma