作詞:向井玲子作曲:川島だりあ1982年デビューのソフトクリーム そのボーカルの遠藤由美子改め森下由実子のアルバム 「kick off」より。 ちなみに、森下由美子は字間違い。 ソフトクリームはおニャン子クラブのプロトタイプと言われただけあって(?)、 そのメインボーカルのアルバムタイトルが「キックオフ」とは、なんともまあ...。 ただ単に偶然の一致でしょうが...。 その中のお気に入りの1曲です。
ヘビメタファンは全身黒ずくめでタトゥーを入れ、激しく頭を振るイメージがある。だが、皆が一様ではないという声もある。米メリーランド州ボルチモア(Baltimore)で行われたメリーランド・デスフェスト(Maryland Deathfest)を取材した。(c)AFP 2012年6月6日
World Health Organisation - Agreement WHO / IAEA - English subtitles
The real health consequences of Chernobyl and now Fukushima and of all nuclear activities have been covered up. The World Health Organization (WHO), the international health authority, is subordinate to the nuclear lobby and has abdicated all responsibility in matters of radiation and health since it signed the WHA 12 40 Agreement (28/5/1959) with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This agreement prevents WHO from taking public positions which could cause prejudice to the IAEA, whose objective is the development of atomic energy in the world. IndependentWHO (IW), a citizen movement, demands the complete independence of the World Health Organization (WHO) so that it may act according to its founding principles in the area of radiation and health. IW denounces the 1959 Agreement with the IAEA. IW has held a silent protest -- the Hippocratic Vigil - in front of the WHO headquarters in Geneva, every working day since 26 April 2007 For more information see :
Messenger spacecraft departs Mercury
Messenger's Narrow Angle Camera took 288 images of Mercury in the day or so after its closest pass by the planet on 14 January. At the start of the movie, the spacecraft is about 34000 km from the surface, while at the end it is about 440000 km away (Courtesy of NASA/JHU APL/CIW)