Cute Puppy falling asleep. Golden retriever puppy
Cute puppy sleeping on the stairs. My golden retriever puppy, Cooper, thought sleeping on the stairs was a good idea (our bigger dog does it) it proved to be a bit of a challenge though. Sleepy Puppy. Here is cooper today: UPDATE: I can't take the credit for the much discussed laughter in this video. It belongs to our beloved housekeeper. She was also the one who informed us that Cooper was boycotting his bed in favor of the stairs, prompting me to get the camera. No animals were harmed in the making of this movie. Enjoy! ***Dec. 14th - 12 MILLION views! LOVE! - even the haters, they sound like they could use it!
アークサイン クイーンズブレイド ユーミル鍛治
クイーンズブレイド ユーミル鍛治の参考です。 AS:アークサインブログ ~BackBeatの徒然なるままに~
シューマン/幻想小曲集 7.「夢のもつれ」 ,Op.12/演奏:鈴木直美
■ シューマン/幻想小曲集 7.「夢のもつれ」 Op.12 演奏:鈴木 直美■ Schumann, Robert/Phantasiestüke 7.op.12-7 "Traumes Wirren" Op.12 pf: Suzuki Naomi ◆ ピティナ ピアノ曲事典/PTNA Piano Encyclopedia のページへ ◆ 演奏者情報/Player ◇ピティナ・ピアノホームページ/PTNA