Euro NCAP | Audi A3 | 2012 | ESC test

Euro NCAP | Audi A3 | 2012 | ESC test

euroncap.comEuro NCAP carried out sine-with-dwell tests according to the ESC GTR global technical regulation, which is based on the US regulation FMVSS126. The testwere completed on all cars whose results were released in 2009. For cars that allowed the ESC system to be switched off, tests were carried out with ESC ON and OFF. Cars were tested by undergoing multiple runs, sometimes as much as 60 per car, each time increasing the steering angle and input. The clip shows the first ESC off test where the car span out. The ESC on test is the one with the same steering input.
RT @A_Shinjirooooo: プレミアムライブ楽しかった〜!!ありがとう!!!I LOVE YOU!!

RT @PattsArmstrong: Están echando Troya en A3, y yo echando de menos a @martasanjosem. Quiero verla con ella, como cuando éramos peques.

RT @Marta_Perezosa: Viendo la pelicula navideña de A3, y si precisamente es en NY, me acuerdo de @VirginiaDeCast1

@Da_iCE_HAYATE あいまっく??…ってなに(*゚∀゚*)← きっとすごいものなんやろねっ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪笑 便利そうなにおいすごくするよ!笑←

?neyimarah: ?rhyichiinah: Weish Weish<<in nje?-a3 Ka


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