

Hotel (1981), a Suspense Thriller starring Navin Nischol, Rakesh Roshan, Bindiya Goswami, Neelam, Ranjeet, Prema Narayan. Music : Usha Khanna, Producer : Harish Shah, Director: Tulsi Ramsay Synopsis: Suraj is a bachelor and a leading industrialist, who is still recovering from being separated from his love, Sushma. He would like to build a hotel in the same region where he met Sushma for the first time, and asks his secretary, Lalwani, to make arrangements. Lalwani meets with real estate agent, Chhaganlal Patel, and they procure a plot on a scenic lot and start the construction. They are assisted by Chhagan's gorgeous secretary, Shabho; a lawyer, Kapoor; Judas a local resident; Mahendraprasad Gupta, a government official; and Gadhucha, a labor contractor. When the hotel is complete, Suraj is thrilled and he asks his friend, Vijay, to check it out before he gets there. Since Vijay is busy, he asks his brother, Sanjay, to check things out, and he would follow a day or two later. When Vijay and Suraj get there, they are quite pleased with the construction, and the locale. But find that Sanjay is missing. Efforts to locate him are in vain. Then one by one the people who helped build the hotel die under mysterious circumstances. The phone lines are dead, and the only road is blocked by a landslide. It slowly becomes clear to Vijay and Suraj that the hotel was constructed on an abandoned graveyard, and the mysterious deaths could only be linked to a inhuman forces that are out ...
RT @mariajuuli: Niall ya salio del Estudio y FUE Visto en la pileta del hotel, Junto Con Pablo y Lux-

RT @Joan_Rivers: Just read that hotel light switches and TV remotes are contaminated with the most bacteria. I would've guessed it was the hooker in the room

Washed our tshirts in hotel shampoo we have to we're tomorrow and were drying them on the roof of the hotel!Ha loving the roommates!

@deenfr Yo ya te hacia metida en un hotel por el huracán.

Ate so much food, I'm walking back to my hotel.

Harry was seen heading to the studio, Liam just left the hotel.

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