Zdeno Chara hits Max Pacioretty Mar 8, 2011
Zdeno Chara hits Max Pacioretty from the Boston Bruins at Montreal Canadiens game on Mar 8, 2011. via www.hockeyfights.com

WEEK 4 (Day 24, late) -- 28 DAY CHALLENGE!!
This week is simply about recognizing your habit as being HABITUAL - as part of your life now :) 1. Does your goal feel like a habit? (What can you do to make it more habitual?) 2. Examine the WHY behind your goal. (If you're still struggling, you need to determine why: - is your goal REALLY a baby step? - if it IS, then why is your motivation lacking? GOOD LUCK IN THE FINAL STRETCH!!! :D **REMEMBER** "A goal without a plan is just a wish." (and) "If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking." :) **ME ELSEWHERE** Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Personal Blog: blog.shantimarshalla.com Weight-Loss FAQ's www.antishayweightloss.com Weight-Loss How To: www.antishayweightloss.com

Clint Eastwood "Bird" Charlie Parker Story
worldmusicstore.com.au is where you can purchase this DVD or contact me at ozmusicshop "at" gmail.com. Movie based on the life of Charlie Parker with original solos worked into the film with a new rhythm section. Won an Oscar for sound.