Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction Animation

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction Animation

Dr. Bertram Zarins at Mass General Hospital has prepared this animation to explain how he reconstructs a torn ACL with a mid-3rd patellar tendon graft. Visit for more information.
@Mau5_Maniac i tore my acl

Mess up her ACL from all them backshot

I won tickets to see @DrDogMusic at @acl_live. never won anything b4 & finally get 2 hear them with my dear friend @nikpine! Hurry Monday!!

RT @rodward71: @AlexGreenwich @sunriseon7 @drkerrynphelps a very sad day for equality in QLD. Newman nothing more than ACL puppet

@jloiterton you've got the awesome (sarcasm) acl probs too? Lamest thing in the world!

I hope D Rose's new bionic ACL comes with a mechanical hand to pimpsmack LeBron's punkazz into place upon his return next year

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