ドルドラ:思い出 シュメー Chemet
ドルドラ:思い出ヴァイオリン:ルネ・シュメーDrdla: Souvenir Vn: Renee Chemet Pf: Miss Delcourt Victor (JP): DA-811 SP盤を自己流でデジタル復刻しました。

SKE48 2012年6月14日teamE公演 影アナ 柴田阿弥 公演レビュー
影アナ担当メンバーによる公演レビューです。公演終了後の素顔をそのままお届けします。 【SKE48 LIVE!! ON DEMAND】 www.dmm.com SKE48公式モバイルサイト【SKE48 mobile】入会受付中! mobile.ske48.co.jp 「SKE48 Mobile」姉妹サイトとなる、プライベートメールサイト【SKE48 Mail】OPEN! mail.ske48.co.jp 【SKE48 Official Web Site】 www.ske48.co.jp

Zero Frequency - Missing Blue
very beautiful liquid song from zero frequency hope you enjoy and please rate and subscribe :) thanks

Chroming Rose - Louis XIV
from album "Louis XIV" Lyrics The history of France has a time when a man Called Louis XIV was crowned a child king He ordered all the dukes and counts to his home So he controlled their lives and made them docile and tame He was a clever monarch, ruled with an iron fist Everyone who didn't agree was written on his black list (Chorus) Louis XIV finesse and force He reigned over his nation, insuring his sovereignty Louis XIV finesse and force Indeed there was the other side to louis XIV He built splendid gardens to impress all his friends For the aristcacy, all gifts to him send He showered his court with parties and fun The reasons are many, he's the king of the sun Two generations later the king has succumbed He lost all control, the coutry had gone numb The realm was in an uproar, so something had to snap The rich just got richer and the poor got the grap The sinking of the empire wasn't to be change In the bloody vacuum it all felt so strange (Chorus) Louis XIV finesse and force He reigned over his nation, insuring his sovereignty Louis XIV finesse and force Indeed there was the other side to louis XIV He built splendid gardens to impress all his friends For the aristcacy, all gifts to him send He showered his court with parties and fun The reasons are many, he's the king of the sun -- Revolution in 1789 Revolution the king was overthrown Revolution monarchy has gone Revolution democracy was born The king was beheaded in 1793 While his head was rolling the nation ...