Keralite Snake Charmer

Keralite Snake Charmer

What is it about snake charmers that make them so interesting? It's the fact that they could get bit and die right? Well this guy told us he removed the cobra's fangs. Where's the fun in that?
Going to charmer practice .... hope it goes by fast!

@matty_haytack @broady95 was destroying a curry so missed this convo. Unreal #FranceMemories yes I'm a charmer #EvenBetterInFrench #Merci

@LaurrAmy oh Kane, you absolute charmer. No wonder AJ wanted to get her grubby hands on him. #heisallman

@sevenlayercake What a charmer. @CBlackTX @SisterToldjah @TwitchyTeam

@JimmyZzzonked well then being a charmer is all that's left;)

@SrBachchan.. ha ha.. Libran charmer has a good sense of humour

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