Microsoft Surface - Keynote (Re-live the mystery)

Microsoft Surface - Keynote (Re-live the mystery)

First ckeck out our facebook page and give us some Likes & Comments ;) And second, if you missed the liveblog there's no problem. You can watch here again :)
The microsoft surface..<3.<3!! Goodbye IPAD ur outtie soon!

Microsoft представила планшетный компьютер Surface

"@RD_Anonymous: El ex-CEO de Dell no confía en el éxito de Microsoft Surface." Me huele que pasará igual que Misrosoft Zune frente al Ipod

RT @HamillHimself: Thanks for the overwhelming positive support coming my way for the FMOB podcast! As long as it was, we only scratched surface.Sequel anyone?

RT @PrashanthRaghu: RT @SumanthJ RT @prdpnayak RT @dnene: Three reasons why Microsoft chose to offer a keyboard with the Surface tablet. a) Ctrl b) Alt c) Del

@Surface__Area @justinegap Ahahaha no way. It's both you and Rex's :P

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