Introducing the Leap

Introducing the Leap

Leap represents an entirely new way to interact with your computers. It's more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touchscreen. For the first time, you can control a computer in three dimensions with your natural hand and finger movements. To learn more, pre-order, or apply for an SDK, please visit
RT @ImTracyMorgan: What if LeBron James win the title and his hairline grew back

The key to the series is #LeBronJames in the post. Virtually unguardable n good shot selection every time.

@theWhiteBoySays Are you the receiver?

Quaadree & my mom not even watching the game w. Me <<<

girl at airport in a sports bra and booty shorts wanting to get the next flight to las vegas. #girlplease get some clothes on honey.

@Louis_Tomlinson Hey lou(: my papa john, works at the greenbriar, says you 2 are really tight.. His name's John Klemish! Well, night(: xx

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