Lady is 3 yrs old in this video. She has been gaming since before 1 yrs old. She has always wanted pets but she has allergies. So we got her the nintendogs game for the DS. This is the 1st day she had played the game and the 1st puppy she ever had. She has been reading since age 2 but did not know what "donate" meant. She is sad because she lost her 1st puppy. She bought the other dog so that her puppy wouldnt be lonely when she was away. We tried everything to get her puppy back but couldnt. Yes, she had hugs but she said hugs will not bring back her puppy. ♥
RT @betterthanf00d: i remember when i used to play nintendogs all the time

i remember when i used to play nintendogs all the time

RT @BeckGuastello: Haven't fed my Nintendogs in about 5 years they're probably pissed as shit

admit it. we've all once thought on Nintendogs, we could only call our dogs 'Lucky' 'Maxwell' or 'Daisy' .

@fi_kenken Nintendogs + Cats Golden Retriever... WHAT ARE U SAYING

just had a sudden urge to play Nintendogs

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