Rage Against the Machine - Renegades of Funk

Rage Against the Machine - Renegades of Funk

Ok, this is not a place to start bashing people, starting political arguments, or racial confrontation. Rage music can be interpreted in many different ways. but this video is about the freedom fighters, the movement makers, the people who, despite their color, race, gender, or sex, decided it was time to stand up and make change in a non-confronting, non aggressive way. he talks about how everyday people like you and me can make a difference. He used his music to stir up thinking, education, and awareness amongst the youth in order to arm us better for the future. Knowledge is our weapon, our power, and our burden. Gather what you can and stockpile, for it is our only hope. But use it wisely.
Rage Against The Machine para alegrar la tarde .. #nowplaying

Organizando # 282 >>> RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE >>> Rage Against The Machine #DiscosDu 21/06/2012

"@ShakespeareSong: Fuck thee, I shan't follow thy orders!" #idgaf I LOVE RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE.

Rage against the machine à Denfert ?

Rage Against The Machine comes on and I automatically make my hand into a gun

Rage against the machine.

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