3 Topsy Turvy - The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
"Topsy Turvy" from Walt Disney The Hunchback Of Notre Dame soundtrack.

Ever 17 - Out of Infinity Opening Full
i just finished this....so i figured it's a good time.... A really lazy edit. Translation: Without warning, without knowing the meaning of the arriving fate Time gathers speed, laughing through the glass That place is the distant land of legend With a clumsy strength, as if defying God... Welcome to this deep place This transparent paradise in the farthest reach of the eternal night sky, so beautiful it's frightening Here lies the answer That has transcended time and chains together like a spiral come together. See it together. Somehow, someone is at my side -- I just have that feeling Coldly, as if it was very fleeting, I felt that gaze That place is a story of the past, unknown to all Chasing it everywhere, only time knows... Welcome to this deep place Where we can't even see the future's sky Like a puzzle hidden in the Möbius ring, what color are those eyes reflecting? Come together. See it together. Searching for the glimmer of light Look for the place where your heart feels at ease. Then, aim for the new future. Before you know it, the scenery will change someday, and a very warm wind will blow in its place. Bit by bit, it is awakening, that new scenery... That place is the distant land of legend With a clumsy strength, as if defying God... Welcome [to this] deep place This transparent paradise in the farthest reach of the eternal night sky, so beautiful it's frightening Where we can't even see the future's sky Like a puzzle hidden in the Möbius ring, what color are ...

Wizard Wand Craft
I am getting requests that I make these for people, I really can't do that sorry. This is a fun easy craft that doesn't cost much money to make, so give it a try yourself! How to make a Harry Potter style Wizard wand. I found the idea on a website called: www.dadcando.com I tried the wand craft and decided to film it. It is modified slightly from the website version. Music by Jason Shaw www.youtube.com

平井堅「Life is...」|桜空
桜空(sakura sora) / sound.jp 平井堅 LIFE is... ~another story~は、2003年5月8日発売された、平井堅 18枚目のシングル。TBS系ドラマ『ブラックジャックによろしく』(2003年4月11日~6月20日放送)主題歌。 Lyrics 自分を強く見せたり自分を巧く見せたりどうして僕らはこんなに息苦しい生き方選ぶの? 目深にかぶった帽子を今日は外してみようよ少し乱れたその髪も可愛くて僕は好きだよ風におどる枯葉濡れた芝生の匂い君と寝ころんで見上げた何もない空答えなど何処にもない誰も教えてくれないでも君を想うとこの胸は何かを叫んでるそれだけは真実むき出しの言葉だけを片隅に捨てたあの日その向こうの優しさに今なら気付けていたのに凍えそうなベンチ寄り添う恋人たちいくつもの愛のことばが生まれては消える永遠は何処にもない誰も触れることはないでも君が笑うとその先を信じてみたくなる手を伸ばしたくなる答えなど何処にもない誰も教えてくれないでも君を想うとこの胸は痛みを抱きしめるそれだけが真実