The aftermath - massive crash of an XY GTHO at Lakeside Raceway March 2012 - a tribute

The aftermath - massive crash of an XY GTHO at Lakeside Raceway March 2012 - a tribute

This is a tribute to a very very nice Group Nc replica XY GTHO race car. It is sobering footage. The driver Keith came away very sore and bruised (even 2 weeks later) but is OK. He is going to rebuild it using another body. LONG LIVE THE FALCON GT/GTHO!!!
Actually .. Its not my room that i miss, but my bathroom! #pt

I miss my room back home

It's ok to cry if you're in pain. Remember, tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak.

RT @UnluckyBrian: Face only a mother could love. Two dads.

Have you ever wanted to ask a question, but you didn't because you knew your heart wouldn't be able to handle the answer?

Kyle XY is just a rip off of Roswell

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