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Mulan 2 - Like other girls duet with PHANtomGAL01 and TraciJHines

Mulan 2 - Like other girls duet with PHANtomGAL01 and TraciJHines

We singing Like other girls from the movie Mulan 2. Me: Mei (pink) PHANtomGAL01: Su (orange/ yellow) TraciJHines: Ting Ting (blue/ purple) Please sub them they're awesome and sweet people! :D Hope you like it! Please rate and comment! Thanks a lot MikomiShibasaki for the great karaoke! ^^ We don't own anything except our voices! xp #77 - Most Discussed (Today) - Film & Animation
es maS facil para mi tweitear en compu q en cel xP 77

@brandonarb quita eso!!! Jajajaja xP 77

@vanessaa_xp 77 jajajajajajajajajaja x) no t vaias a tropezar o tn cuidado no t vaian a metr el pie no? Bueno jaja okno

@vanessaa_xp 77' ya se que es, esta facil o ne?

no le robo internet al. vesino solo se lo pido prestado sin decirle xP 77

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