[HST] UFO Files - The Day After Roswell-3.avi

[HST] UFO Files - The Day After Roswell-3.avi

Go to the limits of human experience...and beyond. From the fringes of the galaxy to our own backyards, the UFO FILES searches for evidence of life beyond our world. Tracing the long, convoluted history of UFO encounters and research, this unique series opens new windows into the controversial field. Delve into the aftermath and repercussions of the 1947 Roswell incident, when many believe an alien spacecraft crashed in New Mexico. Based on The Day after Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso and William Birnes, we explore if technologies like the laser, fiber optics, the integrated circuit, super-strong fibers, and night vision were developed with the aid of aliens. Career officer Corso claims his first alien encounter came on July 6, `47, while on late-night security rounds at Ft. Riley, Kansas, where he saw bodies of EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) inside shipping crates. In 1961, as Chief of Foreign Technology in the Army's department of Research and Development, his job included analyzing alien technology from Roswell, then introducing it into America's technological mainstream--thus, reverse-engineering alien artifacts. And we talk to many scientists involved at the time, who credit hard work, not alien contact, with these technological advances.
Girls that are in my life just keep boring by the day.#WorldIsEnding

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