Doctor Who: Regeneration (All The Doctor's Regenerations 1963 - 2010)

Doctor Who: Regeneration (All The Doctor's Regenerations 1963 - 2010)

All the Doctor's regenerations 1963 - 2010. * All footage taken from the original episodes (along with original audio) 1. William Hartnell - Patrick Troughton: The Tenth Planet, Part 4 (1966) * The First Doctor dies of old age / exhaustion due to the energy drain on the planet Mondas. 2. Patrick Troughton - Jon Pertwee: The War Games, Part 10 (1969) * The Second Doctor is exiled to Earth by the Time Lords and is forced to regenerate. 3. Jon Pertwee - Tom Baker: Planet Of The Spiders, Part 6 (1974) * The Third Doctor dies of radiation poisoning from the crystals of Metabelis Three. 4. Tom Baker - Peter Davison: Logopolis, Part 4 (1981) * The Fourth Doctor falls from the Pharos Project radio telescope and merges with the Watcher. 5. Peter Davison - Colin Baker: The Caves Of Androzani, Part 4 (1984) * The Fifth Doctor dies of spectrox toxaemia exposure on Androzani Minor. 6. Colin Baker - Sylvester McCoy: Time And The Rani, Part 1 (1987) * The Sixth Doctor regenerates when the Rani shoots down the TARDIS. 7. Sylvester McCoy - Paul McGann: Doctor Who: The Movie (1996) * The Seventh Doctor is shot by a gang member, then dies while being operated on in hospital. 8. Paul McGann - Christopher Eccleston: No official regeneration exists. (This video features a fanmade regeneration created by Mulett.) * The Eighth Doctor's reason for regenerating is unknown. 9. Christopher Eccleston - David Tennant: The Parting Of The Ways (2005) * The Ninth Doctor dies of cellular degeneration ...
Pesona wjah mnjamah jiwa s't_y embun mlm kluar dr prsmyaman

@isia929 lol ,,, yeah that's what matter in me ,,, a number !

@Ehdayah haa yekut. Malam. Mmbe cakap terpelanting tinggi siket dr public phone. Haha tp sy taktahu pun :D haihh

@AliviahHouse_ you sure are @SofiaHouse_

@igeljasum @tyasayt @areph @JunHyo2ndfloor maap lupa itu td reply dr tyas hahahaha #arifdanhendrosalingmenyayangi

Yaallah biasa gadak dikamar ini,kok bisa ada ya?dr mana dtg nya setan ini

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