F-22 vs Su-35 & Su-30 - Maneuverability

F-22 vs Su-35 & Su-30 - Maneuverability

The Extreme Maneuverability of the F-22 vs the Extreme Maneuverability of the Su-35 & Su-30.
@CarlosKasuga felicidades a Yakult de Puebla por su 30 aniversario, preocupándose por la salud de la población de Puebla.

Felicito a mis amigos de Yakult por su 30 aniversario agradezco la invitación a su celebración

Sub 4 TO and Orange still up by just 4. SU 30, Canisius 26

RT @xmaliksquiff: avete presente i negozi d'elettonica con le tv tutte sullo stesso programma?ecco,oggi c'era mtv music e c'erano i oned ...

U4: SU 30-26 Canisius. Griffins getting too many open looks. South being versatile for Cuse.

R. Groves turns it over again. He's cold with 2 turnovers and a miss in the last five min. #CAN trail #SU 30-26, late 1st half.

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