Master Builder - Gong

Master Builder - Gong

Song: Master Builder Artist: GonG Album: You Year: 1974 Description: One of GonG's best space out songs, great sax, and RADICAL lyrics!
@Val_Ambitious lmfao emmaule said are we gong to the park with her white voice lmfaoo

RT @xo_brownSkin: @Val_Ambitious lmfao emmaule said are we gong to the park with her white voice lmfaoo

june gong by quick need to go by a liitle faster though

@JackScof @milan_pearce @Mell_Iz_Dope @jr_gong_11 j tha was soooo corny omg!

@MegMisiaszek I'm showering and gong to Lils bye

Gong Yoo and Suzy are so funny together lmao

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