Dornier 17 underwater survey for the Royal Air Force Museum

Dornier 17 underwater survey for the Royal Air Force Museum

On 2nd and 3rd of June 2010 the Royal Air Force Museum in conjunction with Wessex Archaeology conducted a survey off Goodwin Sands to examine the wreck of Dornier 17 Z-2 Ser No 1160 of 7 Staffel, III Gruppe/KG3. Here we show part of the survey.
RT @_NymphoManiac16: LoL. RT @Mikeyjizlejones: Iz don't do 17z r 18z

Iz don't do 17z r 18z

LoL. RT @Mikeyjizlejones: Iz don't do 17z r 18z

Seems like a great day to do a live broadcast. tons of new music straight from EDC!!! Stay tuned for the start time!!!

RT @DJ_JetMike: Seems like a great day to do a live broadcast. tons of new music straight from EDC!!! Stay tuned for the start time!!!

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