Fergie-Be Italian

Fergie-Be Italian

Dance of Fergie (Saraghina) from the movie "Nine"
RT @Amelianaire_: I have officially seen the gay bosh picture nine hundred and thirty eight times on my timeline.

Ahh ;o; My Tumblr dashboard is full of Alice Nine <3

@StedSoFly The Reason They Put The Warm UPS On Is Cuz They Get Cold

#UnderTheCap number nine number nine number nine @magichat

RT @1DSoCALI: they're just going to say hi and look cute as fans stand behind a rope thirty nine feet away surrounded by security at every corner sigh

RT @InnaIsmiShr: Tweet penting! RT @DevinAnkya: korea punya EXO-K , china punya EXO-M. Kalo Ina punya Exo.......nine #hening

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