Brown & White 6 Week Old Border Collie Sheepdog Puppies (Which Turned Out to be Sprollies)

Brown & White 6 Week Old Border Collie Sheepdog Puppies (Which Turned Out to be Sprollies)

Hello everyone! I haven't been on in a while because of lambing, so I advise you to take a look at these cuties! UPDATE: These puppies turned out to be Sprollies!
@bensonthewanted #ROLO is the name of my dog! He's a red and white collie!

@Collie_Colz I actually feel some white chocolate about to regurgitate - wise words for a bitch who is gone

@MaxSleeze Pure bred Border collie is right up there. Those things are like people. Little, black n white, furry people.

For fun when my brother was in thailand we told him we got him a puppy a black and white collie called MJ, sent him a picture too.

fuck John white

RT @allaboutfermoy: RT @mlfpets: Lost Kilworth female black and white collie/springer x medium coat resembles collie but has springer ears tel 0862112850.

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