Robin Williams' Siri Impression!

Robin Williams' Siri Impression!

During his interview, Robin Williams did the most hysterical impression of Siri, the "personal assistant" that comes in the iPhone 4s. He had Ellen dying of laughter!
'You're about as mysterious to me as a fucking blocked toilet to a plummer' gotta love robin williams

@steve_cleave A lot of comedians including robin williams suffer from depression apparently

"When you create you get a little endorphin rush. Why do you think Einstein looked like that?" Robin Williams

Forgot how funny Mrs Doubtfire is! I love Robin Williams

RT @HorsfallMagic: "Death is nature's way of saying, 'Your table is ready.'" - Robin Williams

E' proprio quando credi di sapere qualcosa che devi guardarla da un' altra prospettiva - Robin Williams

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