Final Fantasy VIII (eyes on me By faye wong)

Final Fantasy VIII (eyes on me By faye wong)

final fantasy VIII (8) video almost a love story how Squall Leonhart Rinoa Heartilly fall in love, with some video of faye wong singing the background music. lyrics by Kako Someya,composed by Nobuo Uematsu and sung by faye wong (dubbed over) the amazing "eyes on me". I would like to thank UltimeciaFFB for the use of his video (here it is for the first time shown here untouched by me) (many many thanks to the 1000s of you who have listened to this (and continue to listen) over the past 6 years)
bojong kenyot RT @lengarinz: kursus dimana? haha RT @zinedinezou: talk to me softly...there is something in your eyes

RT @Nadine442: Look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me

I'd be crying my eyes out and jumping my legs off if he said those sweet stuff to me lol

And I'm up tweeting my eyes trying to make me sleep I say "HELLLLZ NAW"

Every time I tell myself I’m over you, you give me that glance, and when I look into your eyes I remember everything it former to be.

Can you fix me sum to drink ? *side eyes*

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