Fun with a few 9V batteries. (244 of them)

Fun with a few 9V batteries. (244 of them)

Just some goofing around with a bunch of batteries. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Read more at:
RT @DamnFunnyLife: It's better to be rude and hated by few, than to be nice and taken for granted by many.

it's crazy how people come into tanning a pay a ridiculous amount of money for a few tans... just get a package

Christmas shopping done...I just need a few more presents :)

@Mattbritt19 how many u got dog ill pay u back if u let me have a few when I get the money dog I'm just tryna chill

RT @CHEVYWOODS: Wake up niggaz....Bake a few

we might still need lupe because he's one of the few who still talks about the violence in chicago. and he can rap well

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