Serial Experiments Lain OP(HD)

Serial Experiments Lain OP(HD)

This is the opening of the new Blu-ray version of the anime "Serial Experiments Lain" released a few days ago . The background music is called Duvet, from the bôa, a band from British. HD video ripped by Coalgirls
Serial Experiments Lain = melhor anime!

RT @KZS_DID: 好きなもの:Plastic Tree/己龍/中島みゆき/TRANCE/エヴァ/serial experiments lain/テニミュ/D-BOYS/ニコタ/漢字/アロマ/絵/小説/ユング心理学/河合隼雄/スピリチュアル

好きなもの:Plastic Tree/己龍/中島みゆき/TRANCE/エヴァ/serial experiments lain/テニミュ/D-BOYS/ニコタ/漢字/アロマ/絵/小説/ユング心理学/河合隼雄/スピリチュアル

結局serial experiments lain最後まで見れてない・・

RT @beatebaan: Serial Experiments Lain fue más visionaria que la chucha. Nakamura vio hace 12 años lo que está pasando ahora. Estamos to ...

RT @ale_harumi: Preciso ler essa monografia o_o || Estudo sobre Serial Experiments Lain e a alucinação consensual do ciberespaço http:/ ...

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