#Gundersen #Fukushima, Increase Cancer Precursor #福島, 癌の前兆の

#Gundersen #Fukushima, Increase Cancer Precursor #福島, 癌の前兆の

sowingthewinds 03.10.2012 1.000.000 estimate..cancer, hart attack, newborn, creature, plants..air water! Can it be counted ever or quantized or cashed... LIFE on Earth Can we ever breathe freely again, can our children!?...Look after Earth! We need to take to Action STOP NUCLEAR WORLDWIDE! Mirror: redbuttonstudio:youtu.be Originally published on Oct 3, 2012 by junebloke 福 島原発事故で100万人が癌になる? 「もう既に...癌の前兆が非常に増加しているのを観ているのです。」 1 million cancers coming from Fukushima? "We're seeing that already... Enormous increase in cancer precursor" *Title: Arnie Gundersen on Japan's post-Fukushima nuclear plans *Source: The BEZ (WBEZ Radio) Date: Oct. 2, 2012 enenews.com Fairewinds' Arnie Gundersen, Nuclear Engineer: I'm coming up with something on the order a million cancers. We're seeing that already [...] Kids were tested just in the last couple months and almost half of them had thyroid nodules [and cysts]. Normally about 1 to 2% of kids would have thyroid nodules. So we're seeing an enormous increase in cancer precursor for thyroid cancers. [...] The indoor dust in these home is astronomical [...] The Japanese essentially live on the floor [...] Internal contamination in Japan will be a significant factor. Neither the Japanese government nor the IAEA is taking that into account when they do their numbers. Source video: www.youtube.com Thank You All for watching.

RT @keis_ukde: おはようございます(^^) 昨夜から関東で焦げ臭いような匂いが広範囲で確認されてるみたいです。 地震の前兆として起こる減少のひとつらしいです。 地震が起こらないことを祈ります(._.)


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