Wizard Wand Craft

Wizard Wand Craft

I am getting requests that I make these for people, I really can't do that sorry. This is a fun easy craft that doesn't cost much money to make, so give it a try yourself! How to make a Harry Potter style Wizard wand. I found the idea on a website called: www.dadcando.com I tried the wand craft and decided to film it. It is modified slightly from the website version. Music by Jason Shaw www.youtube.com
Has just invested in two hot fix wands time to have some fun methinks!!!!

@MrRickyWhittle will defo be buying your calendar, looking gorgeous!

RT @inmoon1214: 今宵も懐かしい曲を探す。藤井フミヤとWANDSを足して2で割ったくらいのイケメソヴォイスになりたい

My dad saw an advert for woman in black he said- I dont think I could watch that, I'd get confused about where the wands are -.-


@JamesSirPotter - I glided your drink to you, as I traced the rim of my mug slowly) We're going to need.. wands, and, cool clothes.

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